The Body is a (clear) Place in the Space, part 1:
The Body

Premiere  22.9.2017
Cirko – Centre for New Circus, Helsinki


The Body is a performance about beauty and its simultaneous impossibility; about the complexity of signifying and about human fragility.

The work has two intertwining themes: the simultaneity of the past and the future and the collision of thought and sensoriality. The performers create bodily transformations that resonate the timeless and eternal as well as the fleeting nature of life.

Liisa Pentti’s duet with the award-winning Danish performance artist Bo Madvig lets the body to take centre stage. The unspoken dialogue between the performers does not present but rather makes visible the interaction between mind and body in time and space. The movement arising from within examines the possibilities and impossibilities of bodies in space. What do we see when we look at the body? Are we able to look at it as separate from signifying? And is it at all necessary to do so?

The Body is the first part of a performance series The Body is a (clear) Place in the Space (2017–2018). 


Concept and direction
Liisa Pentti

Choreography and dance
Bo Madvig (DK), Liisa Pentti

Lighting design
Meri Ekola

Sound design
Jouni Tauriainen

Costume design
Tua Helve

Technical assistant for Meri Ekola
Jere Mönkkönen

Uupi Tirronen
Video documentation
Iina Terho

Pjotr Tshaikovski- D-duuri viulukonsertto op.35, solisti Sergei Krilov

Inari Pesonen, Outi Järvinen/Arts Management Helsinki

Liisa Pentti +Co

Supported by 
Nordic Culture Point and the Finnish-Danish Cultural Foundation.

Photo: Uusi Tirronen