With Pleasure – after work improvisation performance 

Tue 6.9.

Eskus, Kaasutehtaankatu 1, rakennus 6 (Puhdistamo)

Oblivia and friends present voice and movement improvisations on three Tuesday evenings at Eskus, Suvilahti.

Voice, movement and improvisation are essential elements in Oblivia’s work with music theatre. We have invited artists working with voice and movement to improvise as solos and duos. This series of improvisations is linked to the “pleasure principle” in Oblivia’s strategy, in this context it means sharing the joy and pleasure of the art of improvisation. The performances will be followed by a discussion with the evening’s artists.

On the first Tuesday, the duo Liisa Pentti and Annika Tudeer will improvise together, as a continuation of the highly acclaimed birthday improvisation a year ago at the event Together in the Universe of Sound. On the second Tuesday, Pia Lindy and Annika Tudeer will share their solo improvisation practice and singers Rachel McIntosh and Minna-Leena Lahti will improvise as a duo. On the third night, Pia Lindy and Annika Tudeer will be joined on the floor by Vera Lapitskaya and Mikko Niemistö, all in their own solo improvisations.

Tuesday 6.9. at 18.00 duo Liisa Pentti and Annika Tudeer.
Tuesday 27.9 at 18.00 solo impro practice by Pia Lindy and Annika Tudeer, duo Rachel McIntosh and Minna-Leena Lahti.
Tuesday 18.10 at 18.00 Pia Lindy, Annika Tudeer, Vera Lapitskaya, Mikko Niemistö solo works.

Location: Sali 1, Eskus, Kaasutehtaankatu 1, rakennus 6, Puhdistamo, Suvilahti.

Admission 1 € upwards. All proceeds go to support Ukrainian artists through the Kiev Biennale. Payment to Oblivia’s account: FI74 1745 3000 0046 40. Message: impro and date, or cash at the door. Ticket reservations: info@oblivia.fi


City of Helsinki, TAIKE