Kontaktissa - In Contact
Film screening at Caisa

Sat 2.3.2024 at 15.00
Caisa, Kaikukatu 4 B, Helsinki Further information on Caisa website: www.caisa.fi

Tickets: 7 eur, combo ticket to two screenings 11 eur. Tickets on sale online: 

Documentary film Dance Lesson will be presented at In Contact film screening at Caisa.

People with autism spectrum disorder process their sensory information and communicate each in his or her own unique way. Choreographer Liisa Pentti and a group of young people with autism spectrum disorder had their weekly dance class for six months. During the classes they were looking for a common language and explored the possibilities of dance. Words were hardly ever the first way to communicate for they had to find a unique language for each person as well as his or her own way to dance. 

Directed by Sari Antikainen.

Other films at the screening:
Alinan aamu by Elli Isokoski

Where I Please by Heini Mäntylä and Iiris Laakso

Shifting by Anna Nykyri

The Will to Change by DANCO – School of De-Colonizing the Art of Dance collective

Sanatoniho by Emi Linnakoski

Let There Be Tea by Anna-Kaarina Jokinen, Catrin Kaitaro, Ines Kakkonen and Tinja Nerkko.

Käy rinnallain by Kati Kallio

Photos: Sari Antikainen, flyer Caisa & Catrin Kaitaro