PER FORMA - performers process 2011

Cirko - Center for New Circus


Liisa Pentti + Co is organizing an international two day event, with focus on the performer and the process of performing. We are inviting performers from different performative fields (dance, theatre, performance art etc.), and all those interested in the topic to participate in the workshops, discussions and performances around the theme of the performer.

The issues of the event:

* The process of the performer and the ethics of those processes
* Performance as a gift
* What different meanings the act of performing can have today
* The act of moving something  and the friction of performing
* The poetics in life and performance…


What if every cell i my body at once, have the potential to look at Life and call it Art without
stopping long enough to describe it?

Choreography: Deborah Hay
Dance and adaption: Gabriela Aldana-Kekoni
Costumes: Monika Hartl
Photography: Katri Pynnöniemi

A solo by Giorgio Convertito
Something possibly entertaining is a user-friendly, self-explanatory and straightforward piece of dance, some would even say axiomatic. It is dance made comprehensible to the ordinary person. It’s unfussy, unpretentious and uncomplicated, yet educational and illuminating. It will demystify and make fun of dance, at the same time revealing how uniquely remarkable it actually is.

I  DID ONCE A PIECE…(Walk + Talk)
Milli Bitterli / Artifical Horizon (AT)
How can you articulate or describe commands, emotions and images that suddenly occur to you while you are dancing? What wonderful fantasies cause the body to move? What kind of thought and knowledge is created by movement – or is indeed only possible through movement? How exciting is it to stride across a stage? Can the energy of dance be expressed in words? This lecture performance, in which Milli Bitterli explores the transformation of movement, emotion and thoughts into language, was created during “STILL MOVING”, a project curated by Philipp Gehmacher at Tanzquartier Wien.

Workshop performance by Jan Ritsema and working group

STAGE ANIMALS#2: Sissi, Anno 2010
To what extent are we cultural animals that need to love idols and images in order to see into themselves? Who will tell if performance is good? Choreographer Liisa Pentti explores in a surreal and humorous way the urge to perform with the help of the first popular icon, Sissi the last Empress of Austria-Hungary.

Concept, choreography and direction: Liisa Pentti Dance: Riina Huhtanen, Felix Marchand, Andrius Katinas, Mikko Orpana, Nina Viitamäki Sound design: Aleksi Haapaniemi, Patrick Kosk Lighting design: Mia Kivinen Costume design: Terttu Torkkola

Theatre as a marketplace
workshop by Jan Ritsema

The workshop is about trying to develop the theatre as a marketplace: About looking for propositions, doings and sayings from the side of the initiators, which leave enough space and power for the visitors/audience, over the ways they want to deal with these propositions: Our actions, our doings and sayings, should be open for developments that go beyond our control; the visitors are not treated like reacting machines who react to our actions, but free individuals that shape their own temporal and spacial conditions within the frame of our propositions.

During the workshop we try to find interventions that are not only completely open to everything neither limited to only reactions. We look for how to create conditions, in which a person can experience cooperation without having to repress oneself.

The dutch theatre director Jan Ritsema (1945) is not interested in the big illusion and fiction machine through which theatre often is represented, but in the live presentation of bodies on stage that think and that provoke thinking. Theatre as the place where actors and audience in their live gathering can think together. In 2006 Ritsema founded the Performing Arts Forum in France (PAF), an  alternative artists residency, in which every year some 700 artists create work, exchange their experiences and knowledge.

Photo: STAGE ANIMALS#2 / Uupi Tirronen
Production: Zodiak – Uuden tanssin keskus, tanssiryhmä Liisa Pentti +Co